
From Pieces to Patterns

Loviisa Luoma, Sofia Kangas, Vera Rantalainen, Riikka Lauri, Tom Mantell. Spring 2020

With more than 7000 new inhabitants, the growing university, and work communities, Otaniemi will look significantly different in 2050 than the Otaniemi we see today. Issues such as urbanization and climate change, densification, and demographic changes will alter the built environment and increase the pressure on existing green areas.

In order to cope with the potential magnitude of such changes, new master plans for Otaniemi have been defined. However, there is also a need for methods to analyze the potential resilience of these plans. The aim of this work was to attempt to create a new analysis tool that could be used to analyze a master plan proposal from the socio-ecological perspective and based upon the analysis, to improve the master plan in question. As a case study, we have applied this tool to analyze the master plan for Otaniemi in 2050 proposed by the landscape.

architecture office SLA.


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